How does the SSA review SSDI beneficiaries’ medical conditions?

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2015 | Uncategorized

Because a disability can mean a Missouri resident can no longer work, he or she may suddenly lack enough income to meet basic living expenses. Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are intended for these people as long as they paid Social Security taxes during their work lives. The qualifying conditions are detailed in the Social Security Administration’s Red Book, which also includes guidelines on periodic review of all disabling conditions.

What is the purpose of these reviews? The reviews are intended to ensure that the disabled continue receiving benefits as long as their medical conditions have not significantly improved. The frequency of review depends on the severity of a disease and its likelihood of improvement. The SSA provides information about the first review when it first awards SSD benefits. These reviews cover three specific types of cases.

What are the three types of reviews? First, in medical improvement expected cases, the SSA will conduct a review 18 months after a person first receives SSD benefits to see if the condition has improved. Second, in improvement possible cases, the SSA will conduct a review three years after benefits start. Third, in improvement not expected cases, the SSA will conduct a review every five to seven years.

How does a review start? Recipients are notified by mail and phone by an SSA representative. The SSA will ask about all medical treatments that a recipient has undergone along with details of any employment. A doctor and disability examiner will then review the recipient’s file and medical reports. The SSA may ask for additional medical examinations at the SSA’s expense.

What happens next? If the recipient is still found to be disabled, benefits continue. If the SSA decides a recipient is no longer disabled, benefits will end, although recipients can appeal within a specified amount of time.

Source:, “What You Need To Know When You Get Social Security Disability Benefits,” Accessed on May 29, 2015

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