Researchers are always attempting to learn more about mental conditions. What risk factors increase the chances of schizophrenia? What is the best course of treatment for those with attention deficit disorders or bipolar disorder? What role does parental education...
SSA: veteran claims will be fast tracked in March
February is almost over and March is just around the corner. This year’s transition will be beneficial for those veterans that have received a 100 percent disability rating but still have a pending application for disability benefits in the backlog.The Social...
Simultaneous MRI and radiation therapy offered by new device
When the tests have been completed and the results analyzed, the next step after a cancer diagnosis is to determine a treatment plan. Radiation is often a big part of this treatment, and as the patient moves forward with the plan, continual testing will help determine...
Camp Lejeune veterans develop cancer decades after exposure
They are now scattered around the country. Some have moved several states away -- possibly to Missouri -- and some may have only moved miles away, but this group of around 1 million people has one thing in common. They cooked using, brushed their teeth with or...