Legal separation and divorce are two ways couples can live apart and redefine their relationship. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice is a deeply personal one for each couple. Pros of legal separation Legal separation offers...
Why are military divorces different from civilian divorces?
Just as marriage and parenting are different for military families compared to civilian families, the divorce process can look very different for couples where one or both spouses serve in the military. How might military service change your divorce? You and your...
Do not let divorce ruin your retirement
Whether you are going through a divorce later in life or simply looking toward the future, you must consider what will happen with your retirement. The choices and agreements that you make during your divorce could have a major impact on what happens when it is time...
What are the benefits of divorce mediation?
When married couples in Missouri and elsewhere seek to end their marriage, one would think that the two spouses could no longer get along together. Additionally, one would also imagine a very heated divorce process filled with disputes and emotions running high. While...
Property division and individual bank accounts can be complex
When couples in Missouri get married, they might want to protect their property in case the marriage ends in divorce. A strategy some will implement to achieve this is to have separate property in their own names. Bank accounts, automobiles and homes are examples. For...
Understanding how the new tax laws impact people after divorce
When people in Missouri are thinking about a divorce or have already gotten a divorce, there are still lingering issues that must be considered. This is especially true when children are part of the process. Since the tax laws have changed and it impacts deductions...
What are the different kinds of child custody in Missouri?
One of the biggest concerns in a Missouri divorce is how it impacts children. A dispute between the parents as to how custody will be handled can cause problems in myriad ways. The parents will see their relationship worsen and the child can have a series of negative...
Factoring in insurance is critical when getting a divorce
When Missouri couples decide to get a divorce, there are many obvious issues that will come to the forefront. That includes spousal support (also referred to as alimony), child support, child custody and property division. However, the emotional stress that...
What if there is a dispute over an irretrievably broken marriage?
In Missouri, one of the basic requirements for a couple to be granted a divorce is relatively simple in that the marriage must be irretrievably broken. In many cases, the parties will agree that the marriage is no longer viable and will state that it is irretrievably...
Can licenses be suspended for failing to pay child support?
Missouri parents who are ordered to pay child support can face a variety of penalties if they fail to do so. While it can be difficult to make the payments in full and there are alternatives to have the amount modified if there is justification to do so, noncustodial...