Missourians who have been approved for and are receiving Social Security disability benefits whether it is for an injury, illness or condition frequently want to go back to work if they are capable. However, they have concerns that their SSD benefits will stop once...
Falling down on safety leads to higher chance of job site falls
Construction sites can be inherently dangerous places to work, but that does not mean that the men and women employed in this field do not have the right to a reasonably safe workplace. In fact, implementing and enforcing safety measures can greatly reduce the chance...
Epilepsy, seizure and the requirements for SSD benefits
Missourians who have been diagnosed with epilepsy might not be aware that they can get Social Security disability benefits for illness. In some instances, people who suffer from seizure do not even know that they have epilepsy to begin with. For those who think they...
Receiving Social Security disability and workers’ compensation
Missourians who are injured, become ill or have a condition because of their work will often be able to collect workers' compensation benefits. They might not be aware that they can also collect Social Security disability benefits. Before trying to collect both,...
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