When an individual suffers from a long-term disability, develops a mental impairment later in life, is seriously injured in an accident or has any other disability that leaves them unable to work, Social Security Disability benefits are a place that they can...
Bill seeks to fast track SSD benefits for terminally ill
Last week, three U.S. lawmakers introduced a bill that, if passed, will remove the 5-month waiting period that those with terminal illnesses must currently wait when seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.Specifically, the bill would eliminate...
Those with autism may be eligible for SSD benefits
Every day, countless Americans with unique mental conditions find that they face hardships that others simply do not share. And, while these mental conditions are often difficult enough to deal with by themselves, they can be especially challenging when they make it...
Preventative screenings not available for many with disabilities
For many of those with disabilities, proficient and competent medical care is an absolute necessity. Thankfully, medical care is often provided to disabled individuals who qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)...
New study may help SSD claims for people with fibromyalgia
Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia not only have to deal with chronic pain throughout their body but often have to convince other people, including their own doctors, that they are not lying about the intense pain they feel. Having to deal with the deep tissue...
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