Unexpected injuries can occur to Missourians at any time. For many, this can cause personal and financial problems over the long term. This is true regardless of how the injuries came about. Social Security disability is a useful protection for people in the event...
Can I pursue disability benefits if I have an eating disorder?
Missourians who are suffering from mental illness are often doing so in silence, unaware of how to treat the issue or that they even have it. One mental issue that is prevalent is an eating disorder. Some might perceive this to be a physical problem or not even an...
Does chronic pain leave you eligible for disability benefits?
You may be aware of the fact that you could be eligible for disability benefits if you are unable to work due to a medical condition or a serious injury. Sometimes, a disabling condition is the result of an accident or the diagnosis of a serious illness. For you,...
Financial challenges can be mitigated with proper divorce prep
Missourians who are divorcing will have significant emotional issues to get beyond as part of the process. This can obscure other divorce issues that can have even greater long-term effect on their lives. Finances must be considered during divorce proceedings. While...
Can I get SSD benefits for obesity?
Missourians who have a weight issue that places them in the category of being declared obese will have obvious hindrances when working or trying to work. Some who do not know they might meet the criteria to be considered obese are similarly unaware that they can get...
Backlog for SSD appeals troublesome for applicants
St. Louis residents who are suffering from an illness and believe that they believe meets the qualifications to receive Social Security disability benefits must be aware that the validity of the medical issue is doubtlessly important, but so too are other factors. One...
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