If you are disabled and unable to work, then you likely face financial difficulties that able-bodied workers don't fully understand. Though Social Security disability benefits may be available to help you survive during the term of your disability, it is contingent...
We are dedicated to helping clients recover SSD benefits
Sudden illness and disease can seemingly strike at any time, leaving individuals unable to carry on with their normal lives. While the onset of a serious medical condition can certainly affect one's qualify of life due to pain or disability, it can also have a massive...
Chronic kidney disease and SSD benefits
If you have chronic kidney issues, then you likely have to deal with a lot of pain and numerous doctor visits. The pain and medical care may even be so extreme as to render you unable to work. If this is the case, then you might struggle to pay your bills, which can...
New report details viability of Social Security disability fund
Followers of the Social Security system in Missouri and elsewhere may have concerns about its viability. For years now, funding for the program has faced strains, and the amount of benefits being paid out has increased. This includes Social Security disability...
Recovering Social Security disability for heart failure
There are many medical conditions that afflict an individual. Depending on the severity of the condition, an individual may require a significant amount of medical care, and he or she may lose the ability to live what was once considered a normal life. Such a...
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