If you are disabled and unable to work, then you likely face financial difficulties that able-bodied workers don’t fully understand. Though Social Security disability benefits may be available to help you survive during the term of your disability, it is contingent upon your claim being approved by the Social Security Administration. For many Missourians, this first attempt at recovering benefits is unsuccessful, which can increase his or her stress and financial strain.
There is good news, however, for those denied disability benefits. Under the SSA’s regulations, an individual retains the right to appeal their SSD benefits determination. Should you find yourself in a position where you need to appeal a claim denial, then you need to ensure that you do everything you can to ensure your appeal is as thoroughly prepared as possible. You will, of course, need to have your personal information and the date of your claim denial, but you will also need supporting documentation.
Most of this documentation is medical in nature. You should be sure to include any paperwork that documents not only your initial disabling condition, but also the onset of any new conditions. Additionally, you should provide the name and contact information for a family member or friend who can vouch for your medical condition. The SAA will also be expecting a list of your medications and why you are taking them. Lastly, you should provide documentation showing how your work, educational and daily abilities are limited by your condition.
Gathering this information is an important first step in appealing your claim denial. It is not, however, the only step in the process. To ensure that you are putting forth the best appeal possible under the circumstances, you may want to discuss your situation with a qualified legal professional.
Source: Social Security Administration, “Information You Need To Complete Your Disability Appeal,” accessed on July 25, 2016