Let's say that after many years of work in a certain industry, you fall ill and you are unable to work. It is determined that your medical condition will never truly go away. You are disabled, and even though you can't do the work you did before and though your...
EU court adviser says extreme obesity can be a disability
An adviser to the top European court recently stated that extreme obesity should count as a disability. The opinion is in relation to a 2010 case where a child caretaker was fired at least in part due to his obesity, the plaintiff claims. Although the context places...
Politician wants to expand Social Security program
As many St. Louis residents are well aware, there has been an ongoing argument about the Social Security program for many years now. Politicians have been warring over the program, with one side arguing that the program should be trimmed or cut back, while the other...
Navigating rules of SSD program can be tough
Qualifying for Social Security disability benefits is a very difficult goal to achieve. As pessimistic as that sounds, we certainly aren't advocating people living with serious disabilities that prevent them from working to just forgo their Social Security disability...
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