The goal of Social Security disability is to give disabled individuals financial relief while they attempt to recover from their disabling condition. The benefits are not meant to be permanent for all, though they may be for some. In an effort to get those who are able get back to work, the Social Security Administration has a program known as Ticket to Work. Under this program, individuals receive job assistance to find employment while their SSD benefits are slowly dwindled down depending on their income.
To ensure a smooth transition, the SSA requires individuals in the program to report their wages. Those who neglect to keep the SSA updated may be overpaid through Social Security disability, meaning they will then later have to pay that money back. This can create significant and unexpected financial hardship.
In order to prevent overpayments, those individuals participating in the Ticket to Work program need to properly report their wages. Within six days of the end of the month, SSD recipients should either mail their pay stubs to their local SSA office or take them there in person. All earnings must be reported, including those that come from self-employment and non-wages income, such as room and board. It is also critical to report if an individual suddenly stops working, as this could lead to an increase in SSD benefits.
The Social Security disability system is a maze of regulations and requirements that must be adhered to, lest a recipient be left on shaky financial footing. With this in mind, many disabled individuals find the assistance of a skilled legal professional useful. A knowledgeable attorney can help a disabled person navigate the process, ensuring that the disabled individual’s best interests, including his or her financial interests, are as fully protected as possible.
Source: Social Security Administration, “Wage Reporting,” accessed on Nov. 13, 2016