Missouri residents might be discouraged when they seek Social Security disability benefits and are either denied or have their case reviewed and lose their benefits. However, they should be aware that they have the right to appeal. While the idea of an appeal might be considered a waste of time, the reality is that in some cases, a person who appeals a denial of Social Security disability benefits will eventually be approved for benefits. The appeals process can be effective if the person’s condition is deemed as meeting the criteria for qualifying SSD benefits for illness.
A Tennessee woman is an example of the value of appealing a denied claim. She had lost her benefits in September, but was recently informed that she is again considered disabled and will receive the benefits that were stopped. The woman had been approved for benefits in 2013. She was suffering from a variety of illnesses for her entire life, was told that she was too ill to work and her issues warranted benefits. In August 2017, a review determined that she could work, and her illnesses were not sufficient to continue getting disability. She filed an appeal and was told she was disabled.
The woman’s health issues began after birth when she was hospitalized for more than eight months. She has had 72 surgical procedures in her life. The woman suffered from issues with her colon and esophagus and received disability benefits as a child until she turned 18. When she was 22, part of her colon and her esophagus were surgically removed. The initial finding of total disability four years ago also came after medical reports were provided to the Social Security Administration and hearings were held. After the denial and various complaints — assisted by a local news program — a new caseworker was assigned, and the reinstatement of benefits was approved.
For people who are seeking SSD benefits and have their claim denied, it can be a frightening scenario. However, as this case shows, appealing does work in some cases. Even if the initial appeal fails, there are still avenues to take to try and get SSD benefits. An attorney who handles Social Security disability cases can assist in the entire process of applying for SSD benefits.
Source: wate.com, “Appeal grants Knoxville woman her Social Security benefits,” Don Dare, Nov. 8, 2017