In a divorce, former spouses who have children will undoubtedly be concerned about child support. Supporting children is one of the key aspects of a divorce case and often has various areas of dispute. One issue that often comes to the forefront is when the child support will end.
The supporting parent’s obligation will terminate based on an order from a Missouri court or the Family Support Division (FSD). Knowing when this will take place is important so the parents and child can prepare for it.
When the child is about to turn 18, the FSD will send the custodial parent a notice about this. This happens 90 days prior to the child’s birthday. There are certain requirements for which the support will continue and the custodial must return that notice to the FSD.
If the notice is not returned, the child support will stop on the child’s 18th birthday. There are three situations in which the obligation will be terminated: an order; an affidavit for termination of child support being filed; or the child turning 21. Support will continue beyond the 18th birthday if he or she is enrolled in college on a fulltime basis.
Supporting parents are often confused if the amount they pay in child support does not change when the requirements for a child to be supported are no longer met. This is because most orders in the state are covering multiple children with a general support order. With a general support order, there will be no change in the amount until the last child named in the order reaches the age at which the payments will automatically stop. The custodial parent is required to inform the parent who is paying support that the child does not meet the requirements to get support anymore.
For the supporting parent or the custodial parent, child support can be a worrisome issue. For help with child support whether the supporting parent wants information as to when the payments will stop, has concerns about a child who has turned 18 and whether the payments should continue, or with any other issue, it is imperative to have legal help. A lawyer who understands divorce, child support and all other aspects of family law can be of assistance.
Source:, “Termination of Child Support,” accessed on Feb. 13, 2018