How is cerebral palsy evaluated for SSD benefits?

People in Missouri who have cerebral palsy or have a loved one who has it will undoubtedly know how difficult it can make it to function each day. Fortunately, people with cerebral palsy might be able to get Social Security disability benefits. SSD benefits can help those with cerebral palsy receive medical treatment, have the required equipment, and even provide other assistance if they believe they are able to work with their condition. Understanding how the Social Security Administration assesses applicants who have cerebral palsy is one of the keys to getting benefits.

With cerebral palsy, abnormalities in the brain disrupt its ability to control movement, posture and muscle coordination. These generally show very early in a person’s life. They might be delayed or prevented from reaching various developmental milestones. As the person ages, the problems they have will frequently become clearer to the naked eye.

For the SSA to determine if a person is sufficiently disabled to get SSD benefits, it will evaluate the person’s issues. If they are unable to control body movements (ataxia), have muscle spasms and weakness (spasticity), have soft or loosely hanging limbs (flaccid), have abnormal muscle contractions (athetosis), experience jerky or involuntary movements (chorea), or have issues standing, balancing or performing fine and gross motor movements, this can be key to the case. Difficulty speaking is also evaluated. Other impairments will also be considered as they develop as a secondary aspect to the disorder. This includes pain, fatigue and weakness, repetitive motion injuries, overuse injuries, anxiety and depression.

Cerebral palsy can be a difficult disorder to live with, but people are often capable of living rewarding lives and contributing to society despite it. However, to live comfortably and have all that is necessary to do so, it is often important to file Social Security disability claims. A lawyer who is experienced in helping a wide range of clients with illnesses and conditions can help with the case.

Source:, “11.00 Neurological — Adult — L. What is cerebral palsy, and how do we evaluate it under 11.07,” accessed on Feb. 20, 2018

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